- Aug 14, 2020
- 2,098
- 3,423
Is there a way to automatically give all my slaves viruses? Trying to give Macromastia and Gigantism to all 500 of my slaves is a real chore and there is no option to set a rules regarding viruses in the drug section.
Open the Javascript console (CTRL+Shit+J, or press F12 and open the "Console" tab), paste:Is there a way to automatically give all my slaves viruses? Trying to give Macromastia and Gigantism to all 500 of my slaves is a real chore and there is no option to set a rules regarding viruses in the drug section.
for(i in V.slaves) {V.slaves[i].geneticQuirks.macromastia=2; V.slaves[i].geneticQuirks.gigantism=2; }
Edit: ops, sorry, I misunderstood your question. This just give viruses to your existing slaves, but not to the new ones. You should execute the for loop every time, this is not what you want.0 - does not have
1 - carrier
2 - active
3 - inactive (used for triggering macromastia and kin to start growing)
(insert the snippet after line #829: $(el).append(p);
(insert the snippet after line #793: // Normal intro stuff
)When I've set a rule that doesn't appear to be firing, moving it up until it is Highest Priority then clicking Apply Rules Again (sometimes twice) will usually get it to engage and process.Well, because Noone202 made me want to play it again, I fired it up.
And again I bumped into the same problem that made me abandon it in the 1st place.
Setting Rules Assistant to make your slaves slim when they reach a certain weight. Doing it manually is not an option when you have more than 20 slaves. No matter what condition I set, it fires up, but it does nothing.
It seems the "fix fat and skinny slaves" menu option under conditions does nothing. Fat slaves are not put on diet, skinny slaves are not given better food.
I've researched the Weight Loss Pills. With them the rule fires up, but again, it does nothing. The pills are not in their individual Physical Regiment. They are instead put on Breast Redistributors, even their breasts are A sized.
So guys, help. What am I doing wrong?
Main discussion seems to be HGG at prolikewoah, I know a lot of contributes hang out there. I'm not sure they're really open to feedback unless it's a bug or something though. They also hate f95zone, so don't mention you're from here, lol.So where does one go to get some feedback in?
It looks like 8kun's Pregmod's threads been dead for a month and git refuses to send me a confirmation e-mail, so I can't open an issue there either.
I don't think there's a forum or place they don't hate even saying you come one of the other chans nets you a dozen replies telling you to fuck off. Also saw someone get banned there for sharing an f95 link so yeah butter off not bothering with that.Main discussion seems to be HGG at prolikewoah, though I'm not sure they're really open to feedback unless it's a bug or something. They also hate f95zone, so don't mention you're from here, lol.
Using Git was my plan, but I've been waiting two days for the activation e-mail and no luck, so... yeah.GitGud is the best way by far, and absolutely the only way to reach *all* the devs at once. There are a few devs who monitor other places, though, including here, reddit's /r/freecitiesgame, and the current /hgg bunker.
I'm not "from F95", so I know better. It's just I wasn't checking the "main" /hgg/ for a while and now it's dead for no apparent reason, and I'll be fucked looking for all those autistic, elitist "bunkers". I simply figured out somebody here will know anyway, because it's not like that elitism ever did anything more than delay things, usually more so for people "inside" than "outside", ironically.Main discussion seems to be HGG at prolikewoah, I know a lot of contributes hang out there. I'm not sure they're really open to feedback unless it's a bug or something though. They also hate f95zone, so don't mention you're from here, lol.
If you're working with pregmod, all the save data is on the global state object, V (just type "V" in the console to see and edit what's there, but beware that you can really fuck things over if you screw up). Some useful functions are documented in "usefulJSFunctionDocumentation.txt" in the devNotes folder.Is there a set of commands for the console that you can use using F12?
Thanks for the tips just extra note here : i actually playing on cheat mode since i hate grinding lol.1. Plastic surgery actually increase their devotion and fear IF you have proper training. (Use the links at the bottom of main page to access your weekly focus and select the necessary trainer. You get bonuses for each, but the most important are medical and hacking)
2. If they are virgin & ambivalent fuck them. Will increase devotion. Then restore their virginity and fuck them again. Do not "use their holes" - will get bad quirks. Use 1 separate action for each orifice.
3. My "business tactic" goes like this. Buy slave, (auto)apply rules according with her devotion, health condition, weight, asset size, etc, drop her in clinic. After her health issues are solved, she appears in penthouse automatically assigned to "rest" with improved devotion and acceptance/fear. If she's still in dark purple (hateful) drop her in cellblock. If cellblock is inactive (fear too high) drop her in SPA. If she's yellow (accepting or ambivalent) & virgin go to #2.
If after that she becomes light purple go for light surgery: removal of body hair, eye correction, liposuction, breast reshaping, etc. If you have proper training (master) in medicine, her health will be minimally affected AND her affection towards you will increase with each procedure. Do plastic surgeries for as long she's in green (top screen, 1st sentence - "surgery recommended"). When it turns yellow send her back to clinic for one week - assuming your rules have a health component (put on curative when health is lower than say 50).
After you are able to do invasive surgeries (narrowing shoulders / pelvis etc) she's basically good to go. I put them on public service til they reach "masterful entertainer (100)" then on whoring til they become "masterful sex slave". Then I drop them in brothel and forget about them. From there the rules assistant take care of the small adjustments in their diet, drug / hormone administration, inevitable increase / shrinking in their body assets, pretty much everything.
4. I'm more than glad to provide help.
It's actually fun to talk about the game, because I hit a point where there is nothing more I could do. All the future societies I wanted are adopted, all the Arcs are under my control, the corporation cant be extended more because will start register loses and the army + mercs are fully upgraded. Can't even buy more slaves because all the sexual services are +150% covered. And I honestly can't bring myself to start over because it was a fkn long way to reach this point. Going for a new game plus is also out of question. would be tedious to sort 100 slaves to pick the ones I want to keep... and PC age will not be reset - so I see no point in that either.
Btw, English is my 3rd language.
So stop apologizing, I know exactly what you feel about trying to say something and people understanding the opposite.
25 and younger appeases Youth Preferentialism.-I like young girls but what age bracket consider young? Older slave i turned into MILF or cows.
There is actually a whole mercenary slave raiding repeatable event chain, but you have to make the corporation work, have loyal mercenaries, AND beat your rival first. Early and midgame your armed capabilities are entirely defensive.I wish combat/army had a bit more... Story? Event? Maybe raid neighbors Arcs or country for slaves/reps/money but increase chance of getting attacked.
Maybe its gender specific?Is there a method to get the player character enslaved I saw the other version of free cities that I can't mention here I check the raw and on the tw files one of them had enslave player, never can trigger that one. The round about way to get a slave character or close to is clone youself and planted that into one of the slave then just grow that one into a slave after being given birth then it can be trainned such a run about way.
I wonder when the rival attack you and you have been surrounded there is an option to surrender, give in, fight back, call the knights. My main character is a servant and it doesn't have enslave player option just commit suicide. Can anyone tell me if they manage to be able to activate the enslave player ?
Yeah maybe I tried female , but I think I finally understand on why of it though, as during the event my character in one of the early choices when it offered a choice once bought a gun , and it is now miltary expert so I guess she doesn't want to go and surrender to be enslaved and choose to blow her brains out. I guess.. maybe it's in the preset settings for the event.Maybe its gender specific?
Yeah I choose future policies of Eugenics and my character is a female and I do given birth to lot of children from slaves so they're pretty pissed off and also allow my slaves to give birth yeah they're furious they attack me the societal elite but my options that I choose , as I save before taking the choice doesn't lead me to being enslaved I only see my character blowing her brains out if she gives up , I am guessing because in the past she choose to buy a gun and then now and expert in warfare I guess she doesn't want to go down easily.Might be related to a mix of FS choices, and acts against it. First one that comes to mind, is the Eugenics Focus one. Go against that, and they Social Elite might want to .... "take care" of you.
Beyond that, if you activated the option that leads to game-over after a lost rebellion, I might see that happen to enslave you, the 'old' owner.
Both are speculation, however, as I've never had it happen. Only had the first one happen once, and my cyber-soldier, highly devoted & trained bodyguard whooped the Elite's collective arses big time.
Well, there are things you can do to get close to that, that is one of the few is that make it so that your futa or shemale or male that have a dick / cock being stronger then you , and his/her cock working and have high degree of trust but very hateful Then you setup the smart piercing to Dom or Sadistic , Then you assigned that one as your fucktoy and you focus on his/her cock. Now if you choose to ride her/his dick the event will be that you slightly be dominated by the said slave. My character background was an ex servant and a woman , could be added to all this that lead to that.the lack of player sub content is disappointing even in the pregmod theres not much...they told me they are willing to add any content others make so if you want content like the mc enslaved you have to write it yourself then the preg mod people will add it
Yeah I didn't know that it will lead to a game over, I never encountered the event where the main character will ended up being enslaved and then game over, usually it is just being poisoned by the people that offer weird offer wtihout body guard or death after defeat from rebellion or attack but I can easily turn it off, wanting to see if they added something an event where the player is enslaved.Sorry, I never heard of this: all the events I know where the MC is enslaved, lead to a game over.
Name of the .tw file? (as long as we don't post any direct link, we're fine)
is mentioned in two files: